Meeting called to order 10:30a.m. by President Lee Schwartz. Present: Joe Faraone, Ken Booth, Wendi Boos, Dave Price, Larry Mann – Absent: Rod Flack, Pat Frantz, Terry Hurst
Approval of Minutes: Larry made a motion, seconded by Joe to approve the December 6, 2024, minutes - all were in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: Joe provided a recap of club finances; 197 dues renewals and 10 new members for 2025 to date. About 60% paid dues online; the majority are paying the $2 processing fee.
Lee reminded the group that we should have an Audit Committee with 2-3 members to review our financial records. Lee will ask for volunteers at the next General Meeting.
Club Accident Update: Two members were involved in an accident at the club recently. One member passed out and fell into another member who was pushed to the floor. Members will be reminded at the Jan. 16 General Meeting not to immediately get a person up off the floor as it may cause additional injuries; wait for emergency services to assist in these situations.
Milling Machine Repairs: The 3-Axis Milling machine computer processing software purchased on E-Bay to repair the operating system did not work. Upgrading the software to the 2nd generation servo controller would cost about $7500. The 2-Axis is working well and more people are qualified on this mill. Further evaluation is needed to determine the next steps for the 3-Axis Mill repair.
Locker Visits Less Than 24: There are a few members with less than 24 visits who have not yet cleared out their locker. It was agreed to continue this policy (24 visits) to retain a locker in 2025.
Newcomer Event: The Rec Center Newcomer Event will be held on Wed. January 22 from 4-6pm at Palm Ridge. Lee and another Board member will staff our booth this year. Joe, Ken, Dave, and Wendi were thanked for handling the booth for several years.
Board Elections for 2025: The Nomination Form will be posted in the club and discussed at the Jan. 16 General Meeting. Nominations from the floor will be accepted at the Feb. 13 General Meeting which will close the nomination process. Electronic voting administered by the Rec Center will take place to elect any contested Board positions. The new 2025/2026 Board will be announced at the March 20 General Meeting–terms begin April 1st.
Agenda for General Meeting: Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 16 at 11:00am – RH Social Hall. Joe will provide a financial recap for 2024; Lee will provide various club updates.
Roundtable: Larry reported that the TIG welding fan is working well. Wendi stated that classes are running well with the seasonal increase in interest from members. Dave provided an update that Terry Hurst and Sarge Raddatz now conduct Orientation classes. He provided a copy of the Blade Service Data form that will help track Ellis band saw blade usage. The Monitor calendar has places for a ‘Desk’ and ‘Floor’ monitor for each shift which is improving the staffing situation.
Motion to adjourn made by Larry, seconded by Ken. The meeting adjourned at 11:15am.
Submitted by Wendi Boos, Secretary
January 11, 2025